SUMMER is my favorite season of the year.
Besides the sunshine, there are a lot of wonderful things associated with summer...
My butterfly bushes are blooming:
Starbucks is making passion tea lemonades (with a shot of raspberry) for me:
You can count on some random summer reading sprawled on the couch or coffee table:
My garden is in bloom:
In the late afternoon, I bring in freshly-collected eggs from my chickens:
I picked up some lavender and blueberry bush starts today for a side garden:
And I am trying to decide where to put a new piece of art I bought in N. Carolina:
This matted print is entitled "Signs of Summer" by Lorri Honeycutt. She owns the most delightful gallery in Carolina Beach, N.C. called Big World Photo. She has a collection of miniature figurines that she poses on objects of different scales and photographs them. In my print, she has mini construction dudes setting up beach umbrellas (=drink umbrellas) from a mini-flabbed truck on a real beach. I love that!
And I [heart] summer!