I know, I know. I have been gone for awhile. (sigh!) But I am back! And I have a bunch of stories to share from adventures in August! I thought it would be nice just to begin ANYWHERE rather than stress over telling my tales in chronological order. Why not begin with a short list for consideration?
Here are five things on my mind today:
1) "The Pen Story" is my new favorite video on YouTube. It is a masterpiece of stop-motion photography that begins and ends with a family photo. Within 3+ minutes, a life unfolds before your eyes!
2) Bruno Mars "Just the Way You Are"-- what a lovely, lovely song about a man who adores a woman just the way she is. Bruno has collaborated with some hip-hop artists (ex. "Nothin' On You" with B.O.B.) and has a voice that makes my heart happy. He is a young artist to watch out for!
3) Chocolate Chip Seastars-- What?! I am not talking about chocolate chips. I am referring to a tropical seastar (NOT a starfish) species that has a bumpy texture that resembles chocolate chips. I went to the local pet store this week to get a light bulb for my aquarium and couldn't resist looking at the specimens for sale in the tanks. I wish I had a saltwater aquarium-- if I did, I would have bought one of these cuties! My inner marine biologist was giggling at the helpful hint sticker on the tank that said: "Be careful of your aquarium community when adding this species." [Note: they are cute, but will eat a lot of your other pets!]
4) Carrie Underwood has a new song called "Mama's Song". While it is to be expected that every father worries about his baby girl growing up-- so does her mother. This song is about a daughter telling her mother that she has found a man that truly loves her, that is truly good. It made me tear up thinking about how much I worry about Natasha and wish for her all the most wonderful things in her adult life. I want Natasha to be happy and to find herself a very good man.
5) Last, but not least, is the delicious Milky Way Midnight. I have loved this candy bar from afar for a few years. Why afar? Because if I ate them all the time, I would gain 10 lbs.! They are a melt-in-your-mouth combination of dark chocolate, caramel and marshmallow. I treated myself to one yesterday and I savored every bite. Yum!
So what is on YOUR mind today???