FASCINATION (def.): a state of captured interest or irresistable attraction.
I am fascinated with toddler Elijah Rodgers.
At sixteen months old, he is walking... talking (his own language)... and learning new things every day. Whether at his house or at our house, I observe him doing a million different things and I take mental notes. Have I really forgotten all about the lifestyle of a toddler?? Or is it Elijah?
To be honest, my early years as a mother are a bit of a blur. When Jeremiah was sixteen months old, I was a full-time stay-at-home mom-- trying to figure out how to raise a toddler and 2 dogs, cook and keep the house clean, and be a strong military wife while her husband (Bill) worked long hours, was out in the field and to/from a deployment. I was about to be pregnant (with Nick) and soon to be nauseous all the time.
When Nick was sixteen months old, I was still doing all of the above only I now had 2 toddlers to manage and keep on a decent schedule. Bill was still gone a lot of the time. I was also pregnant (with Natasha) and once again, nauseous all the time. I must have been exhausted.
When Natasha was sixteen months old, I was still doing all of the above only now Jeremiah was in kindergarten. Bill was out of the Army, but retraining for a new profession. I now had only 2 hands for 3 children, was still doing all of the cooking and cleaning, we still had 2 dogs and added a bunny rabbit, and I was trying to be organized by putting all of my housework chores into an index card filing system so I could keep track of what I did from day to day or week to week (example: when did I last wash all the windows?). I had no concept of time passing.... I probably was still exhausted.
So maybe it is me. Maybe I have forgotten.
BUT... last week I had Elijah over for 3 fun-filled hours of playtime at my house.
We did some familiar things, like looking at flashcards while having a snack:
(Right now, the "cars & trucks" card is his favorite.)
He played with kitchen utensils on the coffee table:
I think he was trying to hide it:
"Maybe I should tuck it here..."
We went outside to the backyard and watched chickens peck and scratch. We went outside to the front deck and experimented with bubbles. Elijah liked watching the bubbles. He tried to blow the bubbles, but got the soap all over his lips. So I gave him the bubble wand:
he used it for whacking and poking things:
We played "ball" with an orange:
We went to see if chickens were on the back deck:
We played with farm animals again:
And then, Elijah did something new. He came to me, grabbed my finger and wanted to show me something:
He wanted to go see the chickens.... again:
And my heart stopped for a split second. I was irresistably captivated by this little boy and his desire to get my attention...
He absolutely FASCINATES me. And during this stage in my life, I have all the time in the world to watch what a sixteen month old toddler is all about. I simply adore him.